The History of the Ashes: Sunrise Community of Girls Scouts This collection of ashes is a historical list from Sunrise Community of Girl Scouts, Daytona/Ormond Beach, FL. These ashes date back to the year 1910 when the first recorded campfire ashes were saved and passed from one campfire to the next. Please help us preserve this list and add to its dynamic history by taking these ashes to your next Girl Scout campfire that you attend. At the end of your campfire sprinkle the ashes into that fire and say a little something to all those Girl Scout who have gone before you. The next day when the ashes are cooled, collect some of the ashes ad add that campfire event date to your list so that you can carry on the tradition! If you have ashes to spare please bring them to the next leader’s meeting and we will add your troop’s event to this history. Tips for ash collection: Tend the fire until it is burned down and is safe to leave. Let the campfire cool on it’s own, if you add water the ashes will become gooey and are hard to collect. Collect ashes in the morning before the dew sets in if you let the fire cool overnight. Updated 08-10-2022 | ||
1910 | England, Lord Baden-Powell (founder of Boy Scouts & Juliette Low’s good friend) lights fire at Brownsea Island. | |
1920 | USA Camp Bonnie Brae, Springfield, Massachusetts Attended by Juliette Low and Eleanor Roosevelt | |
1925 | USA National Get Together, VA | |
1926 | USA International Conference, Edith Macy, Briarcliff Manor, NY Lit by Juliette Low from Her candle | |
1945 | USA Baden-Powell Western Hemisphere meeting | |
1948 | USA World Conference, Edith Macy Training Center, Briarcliff Manor, New York | |
1949 | Sweden European Encampment | |
1949 | USA World Encampment, Edith Macy, NY | |
1950 | USA At 2 Regional and 1 National Roundup | |
1950 | USA World Conference, Edith Macy Training Center, Briarcliff, NY | |
1952 | Australia, British Columbia, Canada, Vancouver, BC, Germany, Sweden, Our Chalet-Switzerland, 7 Regional Roundups, 15 National Roundups, 20 All State Encampments | |
1957 | Reno, Nevada, National Round- up (started by Wendy Broadhead, Senior Troop #169) | |
1958 | National Round- up, Colorado | |
1961 | USA Round- up | |
1962 | USA Round- up | |
1962 | Vermont Round- up | |
1962 | Switzerland, Our Chalet | |
1963 | USA, All States Campout | |
1964 | Arizona, All State Campout | |
1965 | Shadow Ridge Campout, Arkansas, Quchitee Renkle, Wyoming, National Center West | |
1965 | Wyoming, All State Campout | |
1965 | Canada, Senior and Cadette Camp Lady Baden-Powell lit the fire. | |
1965 | Arizona, All States Project | |
1965 | New Mexico, Mayhill, Camp Mary White, 41h Session | |
1965 | Canada Girl Guide Jamboree, Lit by Lady Baden-Powell | |
1966 | New Mexico, Mayhill, Camp Mary White, Final Campfire | |
1966 | Cadette Troop #70 Campout | |
1966 | New Mexico, Rosewell, Rosewell Girl Scout Camp | |
1966 | Holland Girl Guides Encampment | |
1966 | 1966-1975 Afghanistan, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, India, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, 46 states of the USA, 2 World Centers, and 3 National Centers | |
1967 | Germany, Girl Scout Troops on Foreign Soils and Girl Guides | |
1967 | Taiwan, Taiwan Jungle Survival Training, Camp McCauley | |
1967 | Taiwan, Established Camp, Camp McCauley | |
1968 | 1968 Arkansas, Quchitce Renkle, Wyoming, National Center West; Taiwan Jungle Survival Training, Camp McCauley, Taiwan; Taiwan Established Camp, Camp McCauley, Taiwan | |
1969 | Wyoming, National Center West, Rendezvous | |
1970 | Virginia, Williamsburg, Senior Troop Camping, Peace Gardens, Candles to Capsules | |
1970 | Germany Training Camp, Schwetzingen Forest | |
1970 | German, German Guide Camp, Petersof Odenwald | |
1970 | Diamond Jubilee Camp Hulton Park, Bolton, England PSG Promise Ceremony, Petershof, Enback, Deutschland | |
1971 | Illinois, Public Relations PDQ | |
1971 | Virginia, International Whitsun Camp, Dwingleep, the Netherlands Shenandoh District, Winter Conference | |
1971 | Wyoming, Dig Mankind, National Center West | |
1971 | New York, Vernon, Senior/ Cadette Troop camping, 8th Lake Public Campsite | |
1971 | Belgium, Training Camp, Fresnaye | |
1971 | Belgium, Junior Campout, Fresnaye | |
1971 | Belguim, Junior Campout, Domain de Mozet, Namur | |
1971 | Netherlands, Whitsum Camp, Dwingeloo | |
1971 | Belguum,LaPmshaye, Leader’s Training Overnight, | |
1971 | Virginia, Senior Troop #90, 50 mile Appalachian Trail | |
1971 | California, Santa Clara City Council, Neighborhood Chairman Retreat | |
1971 | Doe Lake, Ocala National Forest, USA National Camping Day | |
1971 | Oregon, Lake O’ the Woods, Opportunity Tryouts, Low Echo | |
1972 | Mission MI of Magic, Santa Barbara, California | |
1972 | North Atlantic Olympiad, Woltetsreid, Germany | |
1972 | North Atlantic Girl Scout Training Conference, Camping Workshop, Germany | |
1972 | Camp Timberlake CIT Graduation, Fort Worth, Texas | |
1972 | Cadette Troop #226, Campout, Camp Scout, Oklahoma | |
1972 | Tote `n Trek, National Center West, Ten Sleep, Wyoming, 2nd Session | |
1972 | Belgium, Training Camp, Chievres | |
1972 | Belgium, Junior Campout, Domain de Mozet, Namur | |
1972 | Teque, Trailblazer Competition, Santa Clara, California | |
1972 | New Mexico Mystigue, Fort Worth, Texas | |
1973 | Traces Through Time, High Unitah Primitive Area, Utah | |
1973 | Our Cabana, Cuernavaca, Mexico | |
1973 | Good Turn Weekend, Lake Shawnee, Topeka, Kansas | |
1973 | “Our Daisy World” Senior Weekend, Central New York, Girl Scout Council | |
1973 | A Working Conference of Services to Troops, Edith Macy National Center | |
1973 | Iowa, Sacajawea Pow Wow ’73, Moingona Girl Scout Council | |
1973 | England, Neighborhood Campout, Phasels Wood | |
1973 | Tote and Trek, National Center West | |
1973 | Aide Training, Camp Henry F. Koch, Cannelton, Indiana | |
1974 | Trinidad and Tobago, Trinity Diamond Jubilee Camp, Edith Macy National Center | |
1974 | Canadian Senior/Cadette Troop Outing, Lake Selmac, Oregon | |
1974 | Aides to Handicapped Girls, Kansas City, Missouri | |
1974 | Redlands Reflections, Binger, Oklahoma, Redlands Girl Scout Council | |
1974 | Sporting Camp Archibald, Brooklyn, Pennsylvania | |
1974 | “No Man Is an Island”, Senior Weekend, Central New York Girl Scout Council | |
1974 | Senior Troop #232, 60mile Sierra Backpack (Matterhorn Peak 12, 164ft) | |
1974 | Yosemite National Forest, California | |
1974 | Long Tales, Lost Trails, Sunlight Basin, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming | |
1974 | Hi-A-Wak-A II, Meadow Mount Ranch, Allenspark, Mountain Prairie Girl Scout Council | |
1974 | Hooray, Ouray, Uncampangne, Colorado | |
1974 | Ohio Valley Camping Festival | |
1974 | Western, W.V., Cere-D Lingo Speakout National Event, Rockwood, Maryland, Folkarts Flan, | |
1974 | Rockwood Girl Scout Council | |
1975 | Sebring, Florida, Camp Winding Creek, Cadette Roundup | |
1975 | Davie, Florida, Camp Clements, Greynolds Neighborhood Camporee | |
1975 | USA, Cadette Camporee, Rock Springs, Florida | |
1975 | Homestead, Florida, Owassia Baure | |
1975 | England, Canoeing Camping, Longridge on the Thames | |
1975 | Becky Thatcher Beckons, Hannibal, Missouri | |
1975 | Hi-A-WA-A Hl, Colorado | |
1975 | Cadette Roundup Goshen Scout Camp, Lexington, Viriginia | |
1975 | Cadette/Senior Jamboree, Opryland, Nashville, Tennessee | |
1976 | USA, Cadette Camporee, Camp Mak-Kah-Wee, Florida | |
1976 | Campus Scout Conference #2, Camp Whispering Pines, Wacogdoches, Texas | |
1976 | Rendezvous at South Pass, Wyoming, Wyoming Girl Scout Council | |
1976 | Moccasins To Megalopolis, Fox Valley Girl Scout Council, Surora, Illinois | |
1976 | Out Chalet, Hiking Session, Switzerland | |
1976 | Cadette Campout, Maripai, Arizona | |
1976 | West Virginia, Wilderness ’76, Your Responsibility, Monogahela, National Forest, GAM, GSCOG, | |
1976 | International Camp, Nordtangen, Norway | |
1976 | 1976-1987 Australia, Colombia, Falklands, Finland, Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, New Zealand, Okinawa, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, 4 USA states, and Sangam World Center | |
1977 | Mexico, Cuernavaca, Our Cabana, June 25, Fire Lit in memorium the night Lady Baden-Powell died | |
1977 | Campus Scout Conference #3, Camp Sacajawea, Boone, Iowa | |
1977 | Our Cabana, Mexico | |
1977 | Sierra Stomping ’77, Sierra Nevada Girl Scout Council, Reno, Nevada | |
1977 | Prosses Posse Girl Scout Camp, Truckee, California | |
1977 | Miami, Florida, Highland Oaks, Girl Scout Encampment | |
1978 | Homestead, Florida, Owassia Baum, Girl Scout Encampment | |
1978 | West Symmerland Kay, Camp Wesumkee, Girl Scouts of Holy Cross | |
1978 | Miami, Florida, Camp Waltz, Brownie Troop #699 | |
1979 | Miami, Florida, Lakota Neighborhood Encampment, Highland Oaks | |
1979 | Key Biscayne, Florida, Cape Florida, Junior Troop #744 | |
1980 | USA, Cadette / Senior Camporee, Citrus Council, Mak-Kah-Wee, Florida | |
1980 | Miami, Florida, Lakota Neighborhood Encampment, Robert King High | |
1981 | Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Walt Disney World, Lakota Neighborhood | |
1981 | USA, Cadette / Senior Camporee, Citrus Council, Mak-Kah-Wee, Florida | |
1981 | Miami, Florida, Enchanted Forest, Lakota Neighborhood | |
1982 | West Miami, Florida, Lincoln-Marti Camporee | |
1982 | Miami, Florida, Lakota Neighborhood Encampment, Robert King High | |
1982 | Miami, Florida, A Day in the Woods, Camp Greynolds | |
1982 | High Falls, Florida, O’Leno State Park | |
1982 | Ocala, Florida, Ocala’s National Park | |
1983 | Javanica Neighborhood Encampment, Camp Wesumkee, West Summerland, Florida | |
1983 | Camp Tanah Keeta, Troop #28 and #507, Campout, Jupiter, Florida-(Shared campfire with Boy Scout Troop #3I2 of Miami, Florida) | |
1983 | West Miami, Florida, Lincoln — Marti Camporee, Peace River Canoe Trip | |
1983 | Nashville, Tennessee, Opryland Jamboree, Cumberland Valley Girl Scout Council. (these ashes started at the World Conference held at Camp Edith Macy, New York. They also include pages of history of the campfire ashes from around the world.) | |
1983 | Ponce Inlet, Florida — May, Troop 534, Court of Awards and Family Bar-b-que | |
1984 | Ocala, Florida, Cadette/Senior Backpack Trip, Tropical Girl Scout Council | |
1984 | West Summerland Key, Florida, Summer Camp | |
1984 | Franklin, North Carolina. Appalachian ‘Frail Backpack Trip | |
1984 | Standing Indian, North Carolina, Standing Indian Natural Area, A.C.A. Training | |
1984 | Cadette Encampment, Tropical Girl Scout Council, Miami, Florida | |
1985 | Peace River Canoe Trip, Tropical Florida Girl Scout Council | |
1985 | Standing Indian shelter, Appalachian Trail, North Carolina | |
1985 | Springer Mountain, Appalachian Trail, Georgia | |
1985 | Basic Troop Camp Training, Mak-Kah-Wee, Citrus Council, Florida | |
1985 | Salt Springs Campground, Ocala National Forest, Florida | |
1986 | Salt Springs Campground, Ocala National Forest, Florida Junior Troop #545 | |
1986 | USA, Jr. Bridge to Cadettes, Anastasia St. Park, St. Augustine, Florida | |
1986 | Basic Troop Camp Training, Mah-Kah-Wee, Chuluota, Florida | |
1986 | I owe it to Myself Weekend, Mah-Kah-Wee, Chuluota, Florida | |
1986 | Camp Deerheaven, Deland, Florida Brownie Troop #825 | |
1986 | West Point Scoutmaster’s Camporee W. O.W., New York; | |
1986 | Florida Junior Troop #545 | |
1987 | Camp Deerheaven, Deland, Florida Brownie Troop 4825, #926, #619 & #832 | |
1987 | West Point Scoutmaster’s Camporee W.O.W., NY; | |
1987 | WOW GS/BS Campout, Worthington State Park, New Jersey | |
1988 | Camp Mah-Kah- Wee, Florida Brownie Troop #825, Chuluota, Florida | |
1988 | West Point Scoutmaster’s Camporee, W.O.W., NY | |
1988 | Certification of Instructor of Trainers, Edith Macy, Briarcliff Manor, NY | |
1988 | Basic Troop Camping (BTC)/Intermediate Troop Camping (ITC) Weekend, Camp Mah-Kah-Wee (MKW), Chuluota, Florida | |
1989 | Camp Mak-Kah-Wee, Florida Brownie Troop #825, #926 & #832 Chuluota, Florida | |
1990 | Camp Mak-Kah-Wee, Florida Brownie Troop #825, Chuluota, Florida | |
1991 | Camp Riverpoint, Merritt Island, Florida Brownie Troop #825 | |
1992 | Campfire Roundup, Camp Bulow, Flagler Bch, Florida Brownie Troop #825 | |
1993 | Songfest at Tomoka State Park, Flamingo Service Unit , Ormond Beach, Florida | |
1994 | Camp Riverpoint, Merritt Island, Florida Brownie Troop #825 | |
1994 | Florida Brownie Troop #926, Camp MKW, Chuluota, Florida | |
1995 | Songfest at Tomoka State Park, Ormond Beach, Florida, Flamingo Service Unit | |
1995 | Citrus Council BTC/ITC Weekend, Camp MKW, Chuluota, Florida | |
1995 | National Operational Volunteer Training, Edith Macy, Briarcliff, NYCamp MKW, Chuluota, Florida | |
1996 | RSVP Weekend, Camp MKW BTC/ITC Weekend, Chuluota, Florida | |
1996 | Camp Mah-Kah-Wee, Florida S.U. Camporee, Chuluota, Florida | |
1996 | Gateway Council- Junior Troop 193, Favor Dykes, St. Augustine, Florida | |
1997 | April 23-24-25 Camp Mah-Kah-Wee, Florida S.U. Camporee, Chuluota, Florida | |
1997 | GSUSA GirlSport Wider Op, Spartanburg, South Carolina; | |
1997 | RSVP Weekend, Camp MKW, Florida, Chuluota, Florida | |
1997 | Flamingo Service Unit Camporee, Camp MKW, Chuluota, Florida | |
1998 | January Camp Riverpoint, Brownie Troop #825, Merritt Island, Florida | |
1998 | Camp Mah-Kah-Wee, Florida S.U. Camporee | |
1998 | GSUSA GirlSport Wider Op, Spartanburg, South Carolina | |
1998 | RSVP Weekend, Camp MKW, Florida | |
1998 | Flamingo Service Unit Camporee, Camp MKW, Florida | |
1999 | Bulow Camporee, Flamingo S.U., FL | |
1999 | RSVP Weekend, Camp MKW, Florida; | |
1999 | WAGGS-List Campfire, National Convention, Kansas City, Missouri | |
1999 | BTC/ITC Weekend, Camp MKW, Florida | |
2000 | Bulow Campground, Brownie Troop #825 & Senior Troop #1020 Fl. Flamingo S.U. | |
2001 | Melbourne Scout House, Brownie Troop # 825 Flamingo Service Unit Florida | |
2001 | RSVP Weekend, Camp MKW, Florida; | |
2001 | BTC/ITC Weekend, Camp MKW, Florida | |
2002 | Bulow Cabin Camporee, Br #825, Jr #517, Sr #1020 Flamingo Service Unit, Fl. | |
2002 | Star NW, GS Jamboree, Farragut State Park, Idaho | |
2003 | Camp Riverpoint – Merritt Island Florida Br 825, Jr 517, Sr 618 Flamingo Service Unit | |
2003 | Anastasia State Park Br Trp 825, Sr’Frp6l8 May 16-17-18 | |
2003 | BTC Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2004 | March Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, Florida | |
2004 | Apr 23-25 Bulow Campground, Brownie Troop #825 Flamingo Service Unit Florida, | |
2004 | Nov 13 Flamingo Service Unit “Song Swap” Tomoka State Park | |
2004 | ITC Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida, March | |
2005 | March – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Moss Park, Florida | |
2005 | April – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Riverpoint, Florida | |
2005 | Flamingo Service Unit Camporee 11 – Deleon Springs, Fl. Daisy Troop 343, | |
2005 | Brownie Troop 825, Junior Troop 926, Cadette Troop 517 and Senior Troop 618 | |
2006 | March 10-12 Flamingo Service Unit ‘Camporee’ Ms. Lora’s farm, DeLeon Springs, FL, Troops 343-825-832-926-51-122-733-309-1540 | |
2006 | October – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Riverpoint, Florida | |
2006 | October – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Moss Park, Florida | |
2006 | Nov 19th – Flamingo Service Unit “Song Swap” ‘International Food & Song Swap’ Tomoka State Park, Ormond Beach, FL, all troops | |
2006 | November – BTC Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2007 | January 13th – Flamingo Service Unit ‘International Food & Song Swap’ Tomoka State Park, Ormond Bch, FL | |
2007 | February – BTC Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2007 | March – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Wickham Park, Florida | |
2007 | March – Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, Florida, Mar | |
2007 | April – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge | |
2007 | September – Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, Florida | |
2007 | November – Troop #375, Florida Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2007 | December — Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, Florida | |
2007 | December 17- Flamingo Service Unit, Brownie Troop 618, Investiture, Holly Hill, Florida | |
2008 | January 12 – Flamingo Service Unit – 13 Troops, International Song/Swap Tomoka State, Park, Ormond Beach, FL | |
2008 | March 3-5 — Flamingo Service Unit – 10 Troops, Spring Camporee at Camp Mah-Ka-Wee | |
2008 | October — Flamingo Service Unit – All Troops, Fall Camporee at Camp Mah-Ka-Wee | |
2008 | December Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, | |
2009 | January 17 — OS I & II, Mah-Kah-Wee, Florida | |
2009 | February 9 — Flamingo Service Unit, Brownie Troop 618, Investiture, Holly Hill, FL | |
2009 | February – Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida, | |
2009 | March – Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2009 | March – Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, Florida | |
2009 | May – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, Florida | |
2009 | May Troop #375, Troop Camping, Alexander Springs, Ocala National Forest, Florida | |
2009 | September – Troop #375, Troop Camping, MKW, Florida | |
2009 | November – Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2009 | Flamingo Service Unit-all troops, International Song Swap, Tomoka State Park, Ormond Beach, Florida | |
2010 | January – Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2010 | Mar 12-14 – Daisy Troop #1886, Brownie Troop #825, Junior Troop #322, Cadette Troop #631, Ambassador Troop #517, Girl Scout 98th Birthday Bash, Ms. Lora’s Farm/Camp 11, DeLeon Springs, Florida, (Welcome home Cpl. Sam Stephanz, USMC) | |
2010 | May – Troop #375, Troop Camping, Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, Florida | |
2010 | August – Troop 618 – Investiture – Holly Hill, FL 32117 | |
2010 | November – Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2011 | January – Outdoor Training, MKW, Florida | |
2011 | March – Daisy Troop #1886, Brownie Troop #825, Troop Camping, Camp Chowenwaw, Green Cove Springs, Florida | |
2011 | March — Road Tunner Older Girls, Down & Dirty | |
2011 | April — BR Troop #475, S’Mores at Leaders home | |
2011 | April 16 – BR Troop #82, Little Girl Camporee, Central Florida Bible Camp, Eustis, Florida | |
2011 | June – Troop 618 – Camp Chowenwah, Clay County Florida. Old Girl Scout Camp turned State Park, end of the year camping. | |
2011 | Sept — Troop #698, Troop Camping, Hontoon Island | |
2011 | Oct 22 – Brownie Troop #825, Mix Troop#618, Fall Fun and Smore, Ms. Lora’s Farm/Camp 11, DeLeon Springs, Florida | |
2011 | Nov 18 – Sunrise Service Unit Bonfire, Cracker Creek, Port Orange, FL | |
2011 | Nov 21 — Mix Troop #618, Investiture, HH, FL | |
2011 | Dec 10 — Brownie Troop #825, Holiday BJ Party at the Barn, Camp 11, DeLeon Springs, Florida | |
2012 | January 14 – Troop #449, Troop Campout, Riverpoint, Florida | |
2012 | Nov 12 – Flag Retirement Ceremony, Troop 825, Presented to the residents at Sandalwood Nursing Center, Daytona Beach. | |
2013 | May 14 – Camp ’11’, Overnighter, Building Fires/Making Friends, Deleon Springs, FL | |
2013 | Nov 11 – Flag Retirement Ceremony to honor all Veterans/residents at Sandalwood Nursing Center, Daytona Beach, FL | |
2013 | June 17 – Troop #618 Camping at Pride Rock, Daytona Beach, Florida, “Weekend of Water & Wonder” | |
2014 | Mar 14-16, Sunrise Service Unit Camporee at Florida Elks Youth Camp, Umatilla, Florida | |
2014 | Jul 28 -Troop #618, End of Year Party at Pride Rock, Daytona Bch, FL | |
2014 | Nov 4, Troop #618 Investitute Ceremony, Holly Hill, Florida | |
2015 | April 14-16 – Troop #825 Troop Camping, Anastasia State Park, St. Augustine, Florida, “Year of the Racoons!” | |
2015 | June – Troop 618 “Bug Out” Camping at Pride Rock, Daytona Beach, FL | |
2016 | April 22-24 – Older Girl Camporee 2016, Sunrise Community, Camp Mah-Kah-Wee, Chuluota, Florida | |
2016 | May 10- Troop 618 Bridging Event, Sunrise Community, Holly Hill, Florida | |
2016 | Oct 29, Juliette Camping (Troop #618) with Boy Scout Pack 54, The Sovereign Nation of the Okleuueha Band of Yamassee Seminole, Ft. McCoy, Florida | |
2016 | Nov 1 – Songs and S’mores, Troop #618 & 825, Ormond Beach, Florida | |
2016 | Nov 3 – Sunrise Community Leaders, Investiture and Flag Retirement Ceremony, Ormond Beach, FL | |
2016 | Nov 11-13, Rainbow Lakes Service Unit and Troop #825, Camp Winona, DeLeon Springs, Florida | |
2016 | Dec 9, Celia Lane, Sleepover, Troop 1958 Orlando, FL | |
2017 | Nov 3-5, Zombie Apocalypse Campout, Rainbow Lakes Community & Troop #618, Sherriff’s Youth Ranch, Pierson, Florida | |
2017 | May 12, Brownie Bump in the Night Overnight with Troop 77280, Ligon Outdoor Center, Clio Michigan | |
2018 | Mar 3, Song & S’mores, Sunrise Community Song Swap, Tomoka State Park, Ormond Beach, Florida | |
2018 | April 20-22, Candyland Camporee @ Elks Camp, Rainbow Lakes Community and Troop 825 | |
2018 | Oct 20, Songs & S’mores, Sunrise Community Song Swap, Tomoka State Park, Ormond Beach, Florida | |
2018 | Nov 30 – December 2, Ninja Warrior Camp, Rainbow Lakes Community, Camp Wewa, Apopka, Florida | |
2019 | March 22-24, Girl Scout Camping for “Homecoming Day” at Camp Chowenwaw Park, Green Cove Spgs, FL Troops 975, 825, 1006, and 618 | |
2019 | April 7, Older Girl Beach Bash, Sunrise Community, Tom Rennick Park, Ormond Beach, FL | |
2019 | Nov 10, Songs and S’mores, Sunrise Community Song Swap, Tomoka State Park, Ormond Beach, Florida | |
2020 | Jan 3-5, Hunger Games Camporee, Rainbow Lakes Community, Camp Wewa, Apopka, Florida, with Troop 618 | |
2020 | Jan 25, Camp One Training, Camp Mah-kah-wee, Chulota, Florida | |
2020 | March 6-8, Secret Agent Camporee for J, C, S, & A, Sunrise Community, Camp Wewa, Apopka, Florida. | |
2021 | Jan 22, Troop 75949 Holiday Bonfire, Clarkston, Michigan | |
2021 | May 15-16, Troop 77500 Trailblazer Training Weekend, Camp Playfair, Lexington, Michigan | |
2021 | July 17-18, Troop 77500 Trailblazer Kayaking Trip to Turnip Rock, Lighthouse County Park, Port Hope, Michigan | |
2021 | August 13-15, Troop 75949 Troop Camping and Bridging, Camp Agawam, Lake Orion, Michigan | |
2021 | Dec 9, Troop 75949 Christmas Lights Parade Float Decorating, Clarkston, Michigan | |
2022 | March 5, Out of This World GSC 2022, “Girl Scout Moon Dust”, Girl Scouts of Citrus 66th Annual Meeting, Citrus Council, Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront, Cocoa Beach, FL | |
2022 | April 1-3, Wild About Camp Camporee for All Ages, Sunrise Community, YMCA Camp Winona, DeLeon Spring, Florida | |
2022 | April 24, Older Girl Beach Bash, Sunrise Community, Cardinal Approach, Ormond Beach, FL | |
2022 | May 20-22, Troop Camping at Camp Playfair, Lexington, Michigan | |
2022 | June 3-5, Camp Ahoy!, Troops 825 and 502, Camp Chowenwaw, Green Cove Springs, FL | |
2022 | September 24-25, Troop Camper Level 2, Citrus Council Volunteers, Mah-Kah-Wee Program Center, Chuluota, FL | |
2023 | January 6-8, Marvel vs. DC Sr. Camporee, Monarch Community, FL Elks Youth Camp, Umatilla, FL | |
2023 | April 21-23, Pow Wow at Camp Mah-Kah-Wee, Troop 825, Camp Mah-Kah-Wee, Chuluota, FL | |
2024 | January 5-7, Camp Sunrise Fjords Camporee, Sunrise Community, YMCA Camp Wynona, DeLeon Springs, FL | |
2024 | January 13-14, Citrus Council Camp 3 Adult Training, Little Big Econ State Forest, Oviedo, FL |